We have lots of happy endings to report. Rescue can be a heartbreaking effort, but seeing our pups land in loving homes makes the endless work worthwhile. Hope you all enjoy the below updates:

Oscie and his new family
OSCIE - A young, shy Doxie that came to us from the backyard breeding facility in upstate Maine has gone to a wonderful home with the Pelser family. Here is the latest report from Oscie's new Dad:
He is still timid although he is wagging his tail much more especially in the morning and when I come home from work. He prefers to snuggle with Zoey our hound on the couch and we bought him a little bed for the living room he likes to go in from time to time. He still loves to snuggle with Wenda my wife and when she comes home from work (she works 3 nights a week as she is a nurse) he motions to her to come into the living room so he can snuggle with her. He loves the back yard and chases Zoey to play. They are starting to play together more and more. He will come over to her and nibble at her leg or ear to get her attention to engage her to play. We are looking to do some training probably not until the summer as our schedule with all our kids is pretty full. He is a great dog.

Maggie Mae & Ralph
MAGGIE MAE - A Senior Hound mix who came to us with her "brother" Woobie (below) after her human mom passed away unexpectedly is now living the life of her dreams in Mount Desert Island with her new "brother" Ralph. She has a fenced in yard with a view of the water and a new mom who is retired. What more could a dog ask for?
Just a little update on Maggie; all is going very well. She's really settling in and seems to be very happy. My neighbor and I witnessed the latest burst of energy while we were walking and it was a riot.
Another "milestone" for Maggie is her meeting with my neighbor's and their dogs. She was a perfect lady and became fast friends with Candy's Springer, Grypon. I think it was love at first sight for both of them. We all went for a walk and Maggie was actually trotting along for a bit. She was great with all the dogs and charmed the humans. She's an amazing, gentle girl and we love having her here.
She gets so excited when she sees the other dogs and hops like a baby lamb. ( neighbor's description!) Then she trots so fast, it's hard to keep up with her.
She also watches Ralph for signs of excitement and then she joins in. She knows when we're going for a walk and bounces around the kitchen when I get the leashes out. It's so funny to watch her.
Ralph is now her best buddy and they are doing great. She's just a very sweet, well-behaved girl and we're enjoying her so much. My neighbors love her too.Here' s one of the latest pics for your viewing pleasure. lolBarb
Woobie & Suki
WOOBIE - Maggie Mae's "brother" (see above) Woobie has found a home with Chuck, Tori and Suki, another Husky mix who came from our rescue. He is living the life every arctic dog should with a big fenced in yard and a Dad who likes to do things like walk around in the woods and go ice fishing - and a mom who loves to spoil dogs:)
He's starting to adapt really well. When Tori's home he's right at her side all the time. Chuck

Cocoa Pup (now Tomai)
COCOA PUP is another rescue from the breeding facility case - He now has a new name, Tomai and lives with 3 other little dogs in Vermont. Tomai has a big fenced in yard and a mom who works from home. From the picture above, looks like he is feeling right at home in his new life!
I just thought I would check in again to tell you that the little guy is still doing wonderfully well. He is totally accepted as one of the gang by canines and felines - they all just like him alot. He and Max and even older Belle, play like mad fiends most days. Then flop over in happy exhaustion. I have enclosed a picture of Tomai in just that kind of pose. Enjoy and thanks again for steering me toward him, Sherrill

Bay & Lena (Formerly Honey)
BAY - Many of you will remember Bay, a special needs Lab with a birth defect that causes urinary leaking challenges. Bay really lucked out when she was adopted by Doris and John! She is now living in Hollis, ME with Lena (Husky mix) also adopted from our rescue and two other pups. She has a giant fenced in yard, a stream to swim in and goes on daily hikes in the woods and fields behind her new home with her new family.
She's doing grrreat! All you have to say to her is, "Do you have to go outside and pee?" and she goes out the dog door and pees. Sadie has been playing with her on walks. Lena, who pretends she isn't interested in playing, has made some bounding motions toward Sadie and Bay when they play. Hannah is coming around. How is it possible to love someone so much so quickly? She is such a love! We are so happy we have her! Thanks so much for what you do!
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