We have many happy endings to report this season. Receiving positive updates from adoptive homes is the reward the rescuers receive. It makes all of the sad stories, hard work and long hours worthwhile. We love to share these success stories with you, our supporters, as without your donations of time, foster homes, supplies, money and emotional support, we would not be able to save as many dogs as we do.
We hope you enjoy the updates on Honey, Snow and Grover posted below.
Honey Finds the Perfect Pack
We believe that she might be a former sled dog. Several sled dog owners have told us that these dogs make terrible pets and cannot live inside of a home. Honey blows that theory right out of the water.
Honey is now living the good life, with three canine sisters, and several kitties. She enjoys romping the 1-acre fenced in yard with doggie door access to the home, and walks through the blueberry fields.
Here is the latest from Honey's new family:
Honey/Lena is doing great! She goes in and out the dog door on her own (when we are here.) She only rarely goes in her crate. We think she's telling us she doesn't want to be left in it when we leave, so today we closed the dog door and left her loose in the house with the other dogs. We just got back, and she bounded up to us, tail wagging like crazy.
We're having leash lessons with a Halti. She desparately wants to run with the other dogs, but I don't even dare let her off leash. I think she must have been in harness and pulled a sled. She's very savvy about getting untangled from the leash. I think she is very smart and that in no time, she will be confident and less spooked by everything.
We love her a lot, and she's been great with the cats too! Thanks again so much for bringing her into our lives and for all you do! Doris
Thank you John and Doris for giving Honey (now Lena) the loving home that she always deserved.
Two-Year Update on Snow!

You may not remember me - my name is Maggie. Almost two years ago, I adopted my handsome Sampson a.k.a "Snow" from Dogs Deserve Better. I am writing to give you an update on the handsome boy.
He continues to have boundless energy and absolutately loves the water. He loves swimming and catching the Frisbee in the water, of course fetch the tennis ball continues to be an all time favorite.
His first year here was a bit rocky as he had a few bouts of colitis. That all seems to have been sorted out and there has been no further problems in almost a year now.

In this last year, he has acquired two older "sisters". (I adopted a couple's two Newfoundland dogs after they passed away a year ago - they were friends of mine). Sam loves his sisters both to tease and to hang out with. They are great friends and company for each other. The cat continues to be an issue for all the dogs, we have just worked out an arrangement that seems to be working for all.
Sam is quite at home now and is a continual joy for me, his issues with insecurity are lessening and having two big sisters to help him, has matured him quite a bit. I am sending on a few of my favorite pics of the girls and Sam. Hope that many more of your dogs find homes and as much joy as he has given me. Thank you for the work you do and thank you for Sam. Sincerely Maggie
Thank YOU Maggie! Please give Sam a hug for us!
Goofball Grover Driving Miss Heidi

Today, Grover and his Sister, Heidi have become a bonded pair. They spend their days at work with George or running around at doggie daycare. They also seem to really enjoy riding in the car -Sometimes Grover likes to drive - LOL!
Below is one of the many updates we have received from Grover's new family:

The other days they are usually with us. He's been great with the I-fence too-he really knows his boundaries, even when squirrels, chipmunks and birds abound.

Everybody thinks he's just the coolest dog and all ask what breed he is. I mean on the street, at doggie day care or when we're all in one of the cars. Some guess, 'they're sheepdogs. right?' but that's when we're in the car and they can generally only see their heads. When asked, we tell them what we know-an Old English Sheepdog/Airedale Mix. But of course, we get all sorts of other ideas from people. I think the tail throws everybody off? Universally, it's either, "big goofball or Giant Bengi.'
Thank you George, Betsy and Heidi for making Grover a part of your family! He is one lucky boy.
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