They did it...Lucky and Louis found that Groundhog and killed it right in front of my eyes.
It was horrible. I tried to stop it - I threw my coffee at them and yelled and screamed - but they thought it was just a big game.
It was over in seconds. I feel horrible.
The dogs do not even realize that they did anything wrong. They are very proud of themselves and have spent the last 24 hours looking for new prey.
Okay - enough on that...I am feeling sick to my stomach.
Good news...
after months and months of trying - we finally were able to get a slip lead on Louis. It took hours of holding treats inside the loopof the slip lead. He is a smart boy...he was not falling for it at first...but cooked chicken breast eventually did the trick.

We were able to get one on him a few months back. Once on - Louis collasped to the ground and did not move for 6 hours. Then he chewed it right off. Since then - He has not let us near him to try again.
He lets us pet him and rub his belly - but as soon as a leash comes out....zoom...he is gone.
This has posed quite a problem because without a leash - we cannot take him to the vet or anywhere - He has essentially been living his life in the house and in the fenced in yard. Not to mention - David and I are unable to go anywhere overnight together as one of us has to stay home to take care of Louis.
He originally came to us from a kill shelter in Arkansas with two other dogs named Tyler and Tess. Tyler and Tess were found by Animal Control tied to a tree with belts and so starved that they could not even get up. There was another dog tied with them that was dead. Louis was found in the same area - but he was not tied (my guess is that he chewed himself free).
It took Animal Control a month to catch him because he is so skiddish. When they brought him to the shelter, he recognized Tyler and Tess - went running over to them wagging his tail - big reunion!
Of course we took all three. These dogs would have never had a chance if we did not. They are boxer mixes which makes them unadoptable in the South - I think Louis might have some Ridgeback in him - because of the way his hair stands up on his back. He also has quite an odd bark.
Tyler and Tess gained 30 lbs each while with us and were treated for heartworm, demodex and god knows what else...Louis is still with us because of his scared nature. Having a leash on him will allow us to walk him, train him and to help himto regain his confidence...who knows - maybe someday he will be able to be adopted!
We took him for his first walk last night- which was very funny. He was so curious - but terrified at the same time. He smelled everything intensely - and then collapse to the ground...then his curiosity would get the better of him and he would walk and smell a little more...At one point he caught his leash on a sign post and had a total meltdown.
We finally got him and walking again and a fire engine, lights ans sirens blaring came cruising around the corner. I thought we were going to lose him. He was trying like crazy to back out of the collar.
Slow progress. Next week he goes to the vet...fingers crossed.
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